Wednesday 20 March 2019

Special Needs therapy and medical

To cut costs, my teen has no external therapies, just yearly eye and neuro appointments at KK Hospital.  I opt for yearly, not 6 or 9 months appointment.

Not sure when my teen turned 18 will she be kicked out somewhere else.
I'm happy to say my teen's seizure is under control, unlike other special needs child, had to "camp" in the hospital, pay for special equipment and parents hit with high costs, ranging from 4 digits to 6 digits.  

I don't know what made these parents hang on, probably the great love for their child.  To me, I love my teen but I would not pray for child to be healed and survive the ordeal eg stay in hospital under critical care, living on machine ... I would rather ask for God's leniency, take child away, let him/her be free from illness/ordeal, let parents be free (financially and gloomy future).

The Spore government doesn't provide medical support for sandwiched families eg household income more than S$5000 per month.  As long as you're working, govt felt you shouldn't be parasites.  If mother is staying home and daddy is the sole breadwinner earning quite a lot in their eyes, the social worker will "encourage" mother to work so that medical subsidies can be channelled to the "NEEDY".  When you employ a domestic helper to look after the child, people felt you're rich so the medical costs are peanuts!

2018 - KKH Eye clinic
As usual, waiting time is long
Below has no dilation, thus, "it is cheaper"


Parents with special needs children are often overwhelmed by many things. The top two burdens are:

The huge financial resources to support their children on a long-term basis. Assuming the special needs child require $5000 per month in living expenses, medical, special school, special education and cost of care giver/maid – the total amount required for one child is 5000 x 12 = $60,000.  Let's say your child is like mine, having a normal lifespan so assuming an average mortality of 82 years old and not taking into account of inflation,  the total amount would be 5000 x 12 x 82 = $4.92 million . As it can be seen, the financial burden is astronomical.

These are subsidied rate but too costly to me.  I think I better stop giving my teen therapy at KK Hospital.  I certainly don't think a price hike of 15.3% is justifiable.  From Oct to Dec, I have spent $420.50.  
1 OT and ST assessment
3 speech therapies
1 Occupational therapy
1 Eye clinic

Spent 2.5 hrs waiting for Dr and the cost was $45.
Spend 45 mins with a therapist, I parted with $60.

All the while, I know it is a tough journey.  I am not sure how much normal parents can feel and understand our plight.  Probably you felt the govt funds were "wrongly given"..... in actual fact, most funds were just for show.  All subsidies require means testing.  Only low income group gets it, that is household income* of S$1900 or lesser, per month.  Some VWOs set at S$1500 - 2000 per month or using per capita (total income divided by number of pax).
Nowadays, a polytechnic diploma or degree holders are paid only S$1900 per month?  If no, how many households really qualify for govt's juicy subsidy?
ComCare Financial Assistance
MOH subsidy
SG Enable
*household incomes means the total salary generated by working persons living in the same address.

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